$19.99 The Complete DevOps E-Degree Bundle

DevOps E-Degree helps companies deliver better products faster as a DevOps Pro with a Degree-Based Curriculum. $19.99 The Complete DevOps E-Degree Bundle.

DevoOps Cloud Engineering

Take Your DevOps Knowledge to the Cloud with Azure, AKS & More

The Complete DevOps E-Degree Bundle

DevOps Tools of the Trade: Part 2

Finish Your DevOps Tool Belt with a Look at Jenkins & Kubernetes

The Complete DevOps E-Degree Bundle

DevOps Tools of the Trade: Part 1

Start Mastering the Tools DevOps Pros Use with a Look at Ansible, Chef & More

The Complete DevOps E-Degree Bundle

DevOps Scripting Basics

Dive into Scripting with Bash, Python & Ruby

The Complete DevOps E-Degree Bundle

DevOps Foundation

Kickstart Your Journey to a Six-Figure DevOps Career with This Foundational Primer

The Complete DevOps E-Degree Bundle

DevOps Monitoring

Complete Your DevOps E-Degree with a Final Exam & Project

The Complete DevOps E-Degree Bundle

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